
Pet Food Delivered to Lesi Dog Shelter in Serbia

  • 18.01.2017

The help has arrived at the “Lesi” animal shelter in Plavna, Serbia. Thanks to a quick response to the cry for help from the animal shelter, enough amount of pet food has been bought in order to deliver it to the dog shelter. This is not the only delivery, however, as more food will be also delivered to the shelter soon.

As you can see from the photos, Milica, the head of the shelter, is grateful to everyone who has provided the pet food for the dogs!


The reaction of so many people to such a problem has provided a chance for shelter’s inhabitants to live another day. However, the shelter is always in need of more support. That’s why it’s always possible to help pets in the shelter by purchasing pet food. You can do it below, by pressing the button which says “Buy Pet Food”!