
Gratitude Letter from “Otrā Māja” Shelter to the Animals Life NET Team

  • 16.09.2016

two-paws Gratitude to the AnimalsLife.Net” team! two-paws


On behalf of the «Otrā māja dzīvniekiem», we would like to thank the creators of the “AnimalsLife.Net” internet portal for installing a web camera in the «Otrā māja» animal shelter!

otra-maja-cat-room                                    otra-maja-cat

It is a much-needed project, which helped us find home for many of our shelter’s inhabitants, both dogs and cats! All of those who watch the animals or have found themselves a friend in our shelter say that the installed cameras represent a substantial progress for the shelter. Due to the fact that no additional plug-ins or programmes are needed to see our animals, this function is very easy to use – you just have to click on a right link!

otra-maja-dog                                    otra-maja-laukums

Thanks to AnimalsLife.Net, the webcams also provide security of the shelter and its inhabitants. Proof to that is an incident that happened in May. On one of the mornings, when the workers were cleaning the cat’s room, one of our puppies has slipped out of the enclosure and started roaming outside the shelters territory. We have found it out because a woman who has been watching the live stream contacted us. One of the workers has immediately retrieved the little rascal!

Thanks to the AnimalsLife.Net for supporting us! We wish you success in everything you do!


paw                                                                                   otra-maja-logo


                                                                 Biedrība «Otrā māja dzīvniekiem»