
Crowdfunding for Animal Shelters on Animals Life NET

  • 28.12.2016

Our website now has a possibility to raise money for animal shelters. The crowdfunding option will be available for every shelter that is a member of our project in the nearest time. Right now, there a few shelters that need help urgently. Just click the link to the shelter’s page to see the crowdfunding:


  • “Sirius” animal shelter in Ukraine – due to the economic situation in the country, many partners of the shelter refused to help it and it is now on the verge of closing. If that happens, there is no way of predicting what might happen to poor pets in the shelter. The animals there are helpless. In order to survive and fully join our project, it has to raise money for the internet and the cameras. After that, people from all over the world will be able to provide support.


  • “Labās Mājas” shelter in Latvia – the winter has already arrived and the some of the animals living in the shelters are freezing. In order to help the shelter solve that problem once and for all, the fundraising campaign has started on their page as well.

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  • Hanoi Pet Rescue – the most ambitious and brave animal rescuers need the most help. The organization based in Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, has aimed at spaying and neutering as many stray animals as possible. In order to do that, they will need the help from the people all over the world.

Broadcast is powered by Animalslife.net


We urge everyone to help animals and people who so passionately try and save them. See also other crowdfunding opportunities on the pages of other shelters on Animals Life NET.

Act now! Only joined efforts can make this world a better a place!