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A very warm welcome to our newest member and the first shelter from Estonia – on Saaremaa Island! As it is one of the biggest islands in the Baltic Sea, such shelter is extremely important for maintaining animal welfare. This is by far the largest amount of cats on our webcams: if you’re lucky, you can see up to 120 (!) cats from the camera at the same time. See
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Attention! Animals Life NET Facebook page has announced a new contest in collaboration with Baxter Toys – ecologically friendly dog toys from Latvia. Be sure to take part and share with your friends! More information on our Facebook page. New Contest on the Animals Life NET Facebook Page was last modified: October 10th, 2016 by admin
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One of the shelters of the Lithuanian “Nuaras” organization in the beautiful Lithuanian city of Kaunas now has a webcam in a newly opened cat room. The organization is one of the largest in terms of animal rescue in Lithuania. It has shelters in three major Lithuanian cities: Klaipeda, Kaunas and Alytus and with all of them it provides a home for a pretty impressive amount of animals: 400 pets!
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Great news! We have installed a new webcam in the Latvian shelter “Mežavairogi” in Kekava. Even though we consider all of our shelters to be exceptional, this one is pretty special. This is the only shelter in Latvia, and probably the whole Baltics, where two live female bears live constantly. As you can see from the webcams, Laima and Māra love to lie around, swim and scratch their backs – not very
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Thanks to all of the attention that we got, enough people have bought food for the animals of the “Ulubele” shelter, so today, we have delivered the first batch of premium-class pet food. Please don’t forget to buy food or other necessary products for the shelters and leave your names so that we could credit you! Meanwhile, check out one of our workers hanging out with the shelters inhabitants after delivering
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We are proud to say that not only serious news portals consider sharing among their readers and followers the information about the situation in animal shelters and our project, but also more entertaining websites are showing people that it is important to help animal shelters. Head over here to see what the Latvian news portal “Runā Bildes” has written about the project. Thanks to Latvian Portal “Runā Bildes” for Sharing
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Today, the Summer Big Work (“Vasaras lielais darbs”) in the Latvian shelter “Ulubele” will take place. The aim of the works is to construct a water pipe that will provide fresh water for all the dog houses located outdoors on the territory of the shelter. As you will be able to tell from the stream – the number of volunteers in the shelter is truly astonishing – more than a thousand
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Our family of animal shelters has a new member in the face of the shelter “Lese” in Vilnius. It is especially prominent, as the shelter is one of the first “no-kill” animal shelters in the country and a strong advocate for animal rights in Lithuania. Please give a warm welcome to the new member of the project and watch two cat rooms in the animal shelter. Please don’t forget to
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Another shelter in Vilnius had a webcam installed by the Animals Life NET project. “Beglobis” shelter is home to 25 dogs and 30 cats and it was opened thanks to the efforts of animal rights activists who were opposed to the policy of euthanizing stray pets in Vilnius. As one can see from the live stream video, the cats there live outdoors in a place that can be only described
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Good news! The third largest animal shelter in Latvia “Ķepu-Ķepā” is now also a part of the project. As you can see from the live stream below, it is equipped with an almost amphitheatrical arena, which, thankfully, is just a yard where dogs can run around and play, with shelter visitors occasionally joining them. Be sure to check the live stream and help out the shelter, by buying food or adopting a
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Thank you very much! Thanks to all the attention that the “Penkta Koja” shelter has gotten since the installation of our webcam in the shelter and the subsequent streaming, more people saw the situation in the shelter and some of them have rightfully decided to adopt an adorable husky by the similarly beautiful name of Aurora. The Animals Life NET project is proud to help any shelter and
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We are now spreading to other Baltic states: two new webcams of unbearably cute dogs have been installed in the shelter “Penkta Koja” in Kaunas, Lithuania. Unlike other shelters that we currently stream, it will be immediately seen when a certain pet is adopted, as the webcams are installed right in the cages where dogs live. Hopefully, our coverage of the shelter and the dogs there will help them get adopted
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